September 22, 2016

Emergency Dental Care: Things You Can Do At Home


Patrics Taylor

Tooth pain is extremely painful and need emergency dental care. Injuries to the gums and teeth are the most serious pain for an individual. Also, there are some kinds of infections that can not only destroy or damage the tooth, but also spread germs and bacteria to various other body parts. You need to give special care and attention to your teeth and gums in order to prevent the serious toothache. When suffering from any tooth related pain, make sure to see an experienced dentist as quickly as possible and ask for emergency dental care services to get relief from the tooth pain you are going through.

Till the time your dentist arrive at your place, here are few list of things that you can do while waiting for him.


When having a minor toothache, then heat some water. Hiss warm water in your mouth and around it. Also, use dental floss to take away any remains. On the contrary, if you are suffering from a severe pain because of the swollen gum around your tooth, you might have puffiness. It is one of the most serious tooth infections, which can pass through to your internal organs like heart and result in some bad consequences. In such situation, see your dentist as soon as possible to get the right treatment before the case become worse.

In most of the tooth pain cases, the patient get relief from holding warm water in the mouth, but there are some cases where in holding cold water in mouth is far better to get quick relief. To check which one will work better in your case, it is important to consult your dentist. If you are having swelling in your gum near your tooth, then it is better to add around half teaspoon of salt into the cup of cold or warm water as per advised by your dentist to reduce pain and swelling. Further, you can also place an ice bag around your cheek, which will numb the pain and ease swelling followed by the pain.

If you lose a teeth filling, then you can uphold warm water in mouth to remove all food remains from the cavity. You can use temporary filling, sugarless gum, a dental emergency kit or soft waxes to cap the hole till your dentist see you.

If you lose your tooth in any injury or if your youth comes out by its own, then make an effort to find your tooth. Try to fix it back in the right position if possible. If your tooth cannot be fixed this way, then put it in a cup of milk till you see the dentist.

Brenner- Rochvarg

offers their existing patients the required

emergency dental services

to alleviate their pain and discomfort caused by oral issues. Dentists at Bucks County are renowned all over the country for the quality dental services they offer.

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